This section is about setting basic rotations: how to declare a rotation variable, and
ways to make and think about them. Later, in another chapter, we’ll be able to add
them, take fractions and the rest.
Our cubes are no good for examining rotations since we can’t tell the front from the top and sides. A cow, pointing along +z, is fine (but it can’t be tilted to aim that way – its 000-rotation must be +z). Otherwise we can make something. Take one of our cubes and child something unique on top and in front. Maybe a small sphere on top, and forward-aimed cylinder in front:
Rotations can be imagined in lots of ways. They can be a direction arrow and a
roll – like aiming a telescope, then spinning to adjust the viewfinder. Or the old xyz
0-360 method. Or a rotation can be a single diagonal line going through your origin,
rotating 0-360 degrees around that one line.
Like vectors, rotations can be offsets. The simplest rotations tell us which way to face. But an offset-style rotation is meant to add to another rotation, or find how far apart two rotations are.
But the various ways to create simple direction-style rotations will be enough to fill this chapter.
It seems natural to think of rotations as x,y,z, 0-360. That’s what the Inspector
shows us, and how the 3 circles work using the rotation tool. But those are just tools
giving us that view. No one has really stored or used rotations that way for decades.
We use a better system called quaternions. The same way transform.position is a
Vector3, transform.rotation is a quaternion.
Quaternions have only one drawback: the numbers in them don’t make sense to humans. But that’s not a problem since we don’t need to look at the numbers. Think of quaternions as a struct with built-in functions doing everything we need.
The simplest way to use a quaternion in a program is saving and restoring a spin. We can declare a quaternion – which is a rotation-holding-variable – and copy our starting rotation into it. Later we can copy it back:
Quaternions looks strange, and it feels weird to copy our rotation into
one, but this program is really nothing more than Vector3 savedPos =
transform.position; and then the reverse.
A similar example, to show using quaternion variables, this switches my rotation with the red cube’s. If you remember, a standard swap looks like temp=a; a=b; b=temp; In this, temp is a quaternion:
Still not very exciting, since we don’t know how to create or change a rotation
For more using quaternions as normal variables, let’s save the rotations of red, green and blue in an array of quaternions. Then pressing 1,2 or 3 snaps us to copy that cube’s rotation, using a function:
The point of this is that we can use Quaternion like any other variable type. An array of them is fine. Spins[0] is the first quaternion in the array. We can pass quaternions to functions. They’re regular variables.
The most common way to make a rotation is to say what you want to look at, and have the computer do the math. That seems like cheating, but we have a computer – why wouldn’t we create that command?
After that, we’ll take a look at the old xyz, 0-360 method. We don’t have to set rotations that way, but it’s a perfectly good option. Then there are a few oddball functions for rotation setting.
Unity has one built-in for a preset rotation: Quaternion.identity is the 000 rotation, or no rotation. For examples:
It’s the same idea as It’s a rotation of x=0, y=0, z=0. This is the only preset. For example, there’s no Quaternion.up;
It’s named identity instead of zero since identity is the formal math term
everyone uses.
We can think of it two ways. For a tree or rubble or a dirt pile, it means to place it with no extra spin. But for a cow or a flashlight – anything which logically has a facing – it’s better to say it aims you North with your head up. But only if the model was made correctly for Unity’s coordinates, facing on +z.
That’s why I made a big deal about facing +z and possibly fixing it with the parent trick. If your cow faces +x, then transform.rotation=Quaternion.identity will face it +x. It will look like the command messed up, but you just have a wrong cow.
The simplest way of making a rotation is using a direction arrow. Recall that a direction is just any arrow where the length isn’t important. Suppose you have (0,10,1), which is an arrow aimed up and a little bit forward. We could turn that into a rotation, assign it to us, and we’ll be looking up and a little forward.
The command is Quaternion.LookRotation. It converts a direction into a rotation. This code aims us in direction (0,10,1):
It almost doesn’t seem like we did anything. (0,10,1) is an arrow, and we
copied it into our direction, sort of. Except arrows and rotations are different.
LookRotation(dir) did the math to convert to a quaternion.
This next one is basically the same thing but looking 4 ahead and 1
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(1,0,4));
The cool thing is that there are no angles involved at all. Pretend we’re on a
board and actually want to look 1 space over for every 4 forward. We don’t know the
angle and don’t need to.
This one is very sneaky. It gives us a rotation of 000:
It make us face forward, as advertised. But in Unity, forward, with no up or
down, is the starting rotation, which is all 0’s.
For fun, here’s a hacky way to look in a random forward angle. We’ll aim 10 forward and -10 to 10 sideways, which gives a random -45 to 45 degrees:
There’s no special reason for using 10. It seemed like a round number, and
directions don’t care about the length.
Now on to the really useful part: aiming at something. It’s easy, since we already know how to get the direction from us to anything else by subtracting points. This aims us at the green cube:
It’s so slick. LookRotation takes any arrow, and we have an arrow aimed at green.
So, LookRotation faces us to green.. Our aiming arrow happened to be the exact
length from us to green. It didn’t need to be, but it doesn’t hurt. If we had a unit
vector, it would work as well.
Aiming the red cube at the green one is the same idea:
Fun fact, if we flip the subtraction order and get a backwards arrow – green to
red, then red will be facing exactly away from green.
Our old vector math tricks work here. Suppose we want to look at a spot a little above the green cube. That’s just one more line getting that spot:
Suppose the green cow can see 6 units, and we want to look at what it sees:
Or maybe we want to look at a spot between the red and green cubes. We can use the averaging points trick:
If the 2 cubes are on opposite sides of us, the middle will be in a not very helpful
place, but we can’t fix that here.
Another common look-at trick is getting a “flat” spin, only on y. For example, we want to y-spin without leaning, to face someone who might be standing on a hill or in a valley. After we get the arrow, set y to 0:
I like this one since it feels like “how to rotate, but only on y”, which is hard. But it’s also “how to aim in a direction, but the direction can’t have a change in y”, which is easy.
In our code we can create rotations by directly filling in the xyz 0-360 values, just as
they would appear in the Inspector. To do that we’ll need more details on the exact
way they work, and a plan for aiming in a certain direction.
Rotations are made to go in order y,x,z. That seems funny, but it works great. To
test, use the slide trick in the Inspector: move the cursor to the left of a number until
it turns into a little slide icon, then click and drag left/right. The number will scroll
up and down.
How the axes act and combine:
To face in any direction, set y to the compass heading, and angle x to the
elevation. Or go in the other order. And then z is always just for fun. Once the cow
looks at what it should, you can roll in onto either side or on its back without
changing the aim.
A review of the numbers:
Because Unity thinks +z is forwards, y-spins have 0=north, 90=east, and so on. It goes clockwise:
Because of the left-hand rule, x-rotations feel backwards. +x tilts downward and
-x tilts up. Also because of the left-hand rule, z-spins are counter-clockwise. +z spins
to the left.
Some theory: xyz coordinate systems aren’t done yet until you say the order. Unity chose to use yxz, which is the best one, but xyz, or zxy, …are legal. There’s no way to make a system where x,y, and z all just spin you around the real axis. It always has to act like a main axis and a chain of 2 connected gears.
Put another way, it’s impossible to say which direction (10,80,30) aims until you know the order. If it’s in an xzy coordinate system, it will point in a different direction than Unity would.
That whole system – xyz 0-360 and an order to do them in – is now called Euler Angles. As in “the Inspector shows the Euler angle representation of the quaternion”.
Because we don’t store angles directly, we can’t just copy xyz degrees into quaternions. But we almost can. We have a function named Quaternion.Euler which translates our Euler angles into the proper quaternion values.
This faces us to the right:
It’s the same as entering those values into the Inspector. All of these are.
One thing to note is that it’s an equals – it snaps our rotation to that exact angle,
no matter how we were facing before. We can’t add angles yet (it’s not +=, it’s more
complicated than that).
This aims us straight up, with out feet facing forwards. Notice how we needed to use -90 to go up. +90 would be facing down:
This aims us left, up 45 degrees, and on our back:
You need to sort of translate each value: y is clockwise with 0=north, so -90 y is facing West or Left. Negative x still goes up, so -45 x is 1/2-way tilted up. Then z has no affect on direction; 180 z merely rolls us on our back.
Also notice a cool thing about x: it isn’t affected by compass facing. That’s nice.
If we see (-45, yy, zz), we know the cow’s height angle is 45-up, no matter what yy
You’re also allowed to use a Vector3, but it still needs to be an input to Quaternion.Euler. For example this aims South and randomly on our left or right side:
It’s just a shortcut. Quaternion.Euler needs an xyz, which can be 3 numbers, or
one Vector3. It can also be a little confusing: a “spin” can now be a real quaternion,
a Vector3 holding Eulers, or a Vector3 holding a direction (to be used in a
Using EulerAngles, we can have Update automatically change the angle. This makes a cow do forward summersaults (not backflips, since +x goes down, not up):
Here’s a trickier one. We want the cow to face right, rolling on its side (we’re
making a game about roasting a cow). Facing right is 90 degrees on y, and rolling
forwards is +x. But this is wrong:
Quaternion.Euler(xSpin, 90, 0);
The problem is that x spins in our personal forward. The cow is still doing summersaults. The rules about how x and z travel with y can fool us. We need to think about what rolls in our personal sideways, which is z:
We can play with how x&y together aim us by having pairs of keys control them. A&D spins, W&S aims up/down:
This is a common trick. We can’t just reach into the quaternion and adjust the xyz angles, since they don’t exist. So we keep our own copy and send it to our rotation each time.
Sometimes we want to draw just any line through our origin, and spin ourself around that line.
An easy-to-see example, this spins us around a diagonal /-line:
If you put this on a cube, it will rotate perfectly corner-over-corner diagonally. On a cow, it will do the same thing but it will look a lot stranger (the head will tuck left, then it will be upside-down facing right, then back to normal).
After watching for a while, you should be able to “see” the diagonal line it spins
A semi-real example is a y-spin with a small wobble. We’ll make a line almost straight up, leaning just a tad left, and spin around it:
Again, watching it should eventually help you see the almost-up line we’re
spinning around.
It might look nicer if the line we spin around is something we can visualize. This code snaps us to in-between the red and green cubes, then spins around that line:
While running, moving the cubes around will change the line. In a sense, AngleAxis is very simple. It’s a single spin around just one axis. If the axis is easy to visualize, AngleAxis looks like a simple spin.
This command is an improved version of LookRotation. Instead of aiming the front, we can aim any part of us along the arrow. For example, if we’re a cow, this aims our feet at the green cube:
The first input is the part of you to aim, as if you were standing and facing
forward. Vector3.down always points your down-arrow at the target.
Suppose we want to snub the green cube by looking almost at it. We can do that by aiming an almost front arrow to it:
Since the aiming arrow was slanted a little bit left, and goes straight to green, our
head will be facing a little bit to the right.
We rarely need this. Suppose we always want to aim our up arrow somewhere. We’d use the parent trick to spin Up to Forward, then aim our Forward like a normal person.
Making us look at a point is so common that Unity has a shortcut command. You give it the point, and it automatically computes the offset, then uses that to aim us.
transform.LookAt(greenCube.position); makes us look at the green cube. This command is so useful and common that it’s easy to forget that’s it’s only a shortcut for LookRotation:
The drawback is that it automatically aims us. For fun, here’s code to fake LookRotation using LookAt. We do a LookAt, read our current rotation as the answer, then reset our rotation to how it was. It’s hilariously Rube-Goldburgy, but it works:
LookAt works with any object or any point:
The last one is another example of how to tell a point from an offset. (10,9,32) could be an arrow – it would be forward, tilted right and a tad up. But LookAt expects a position, so (10,9,32) counts as a position here.
A direction arrow is almost a rotation, but not quite. A rotation is made of the direction plus the “free” z-spin. This is the thing where z always goes last and merely rolls you around the direction arrow. A cow aimed at a farmer could be head up, feet up, lying in its side, or so on. Or, again, the goon playing with the cool sideways gun-aiming technique.
A way to see this is that rotations are on 3D models. They have textures, and feet
sticking out. We can see them roll. But directions are on arrows. It makes no sense to
roll an arrow around itself.
LookRotation turns a direction arrow into a rotation, but since directions don’t have the extra z-spin, it cheats. It makes-up a z-spin of zero. In other words, LookRotation(v) doesn’t give you the rotation to face that way. It gives you one possible rotation, out of many.
Later on we’ll be able to turn a rotation into a direction. Going from a direction
to a rotation then back is safe. It adds a z-rotation of 0, then takes it off. You get
back the same arrow you started with. Going from a rotation to a direction then back
destroys your z-roll. You’ll still be pointed the same way, but your y will always be
aimed up.
LookAt and LookDirection have an option to set your z-spin, but in an odd way. You tell it which way you’d like your +y to point. It’s usually thought of as which way your head points. The z-spin will be set as best it can.
These commands will aim you at green, lying on your side with your head pointed right:
This shows why we like the “head direction” method. Usually we don’t know the
z-degrees we want, but know how the top should point. In fact, we couldn’t even do
this by giving a z-roll. To keep its head facing right, the cow needs to switch sides
when aiming forwards vs. backwards.
The thing to remember is this is only a z-roll. The first input is still the real way we aim. The Vector3.right means to spin on z to the most right-aiming spin we can get – pick the best out of the 0-360 z-spin.
This is a “don’t do this” section. It’s explaining why, if you want to change your aim with moving xyz degrees, you need to keep your own copy.
The main issue is that when you give the system xyz Euler angles, you won’t get
the same ones back.
You’re allowed to ask for the Euler angles with eulerAngles. It gives you a Vector3 with the 3 spins:
The first one gave us the same numbers back, but the second one “fixed” them
(for real it recomputed them differently, which feels like it fixed them). Unity prefers
0-360 for y and z. For x it uses only 0-90 and 270-360. The second range is for
negative spins; -20 is stored as 340. It cuts out 90-270 since those are over-the-top
If you need to change and move xyz Eulers, the best way is keeping your own copies, like the aiming with ASWD keys example. This spins y from 90 down to -90 over and over again:
The system converts negative y’s into 270-360, but we don’t care since we never look at transform.eulerAngles. vSpin is like our master copy, and its y is fully controlled by us.
These sections are all comments, background and other things that are nice to see, but aren’t really important.
If you look inside a quaternion, there’s an x, y, z and w. I already wrote that they aren’t degrees. If you know trig you might think they’re radians – nope. They’re totally different things called x, y and z (and w).
If you have an irresistible urge to look at the actual numbers in a quaternion, it’s a simple 4-float struct. This code would show them:
For 50 on z, (0,0,50) this gives (0.4, 0, 0, 0.9). That means turning on z uses the x and w slots, with numbers that make no sense.
Some more:
There doesn’t seem to be much of a pattern. Obviously there is. You can find the
formulas. But there’s nothing useful you can do with those numbers that isn’t
already in LookRotation and so on.
If they’re so unhelpful, why aren’t they private? That’s because quaternions are real math, and actual mathematicians using Unity might want to directly play with x,y,z&w to do something obscure.
A crazy thing about xyz degrees is there are 2 legitimate ways to write every angle. I’m not talking about +/-360 tricks. There’s another way involving an up-and-over on x.
Whenever x goes past 90, which is aiming backwards what your y says, you can make the same angle by flipping y by 180 and recomputing x. Here we can rewrite a 135 degree x-rotation as a 45-degree going the other way:
That isn’t quite right, since the first way put us on our back, whereas the second keep us feet-down. Flipping z by 180 is the rest of the trick.
The two identical rotations in the picture are (-135,0,0) and (-45,180,180). The
first is shorter to read, but the second makes it more obvious that we’re actually
facing South and are upside down.
Every rotation can be rewritten like that (add 180 to x and z, make x=180-x).
Every rotation has a version with x from -90 to 90, and another with it past 90. Fun
fact: (0,0,0) is the same as (180,180,180).
In case you were wondering, that’s very strange, and we don’t like it. But that’s
the way it is.
The net effect is that moving and hand-checking Euler angles is even more of a giant mess. If all you do is aim mostly forward and keep x and y both 90 or less, things are fine. But with free-movement, anything like if(q.eulerAngles.y>180) is doomed to failure.
The Inspector shows a different version of the rotation values. It’s not the same as the ones eulerAngles computes in the code. Unity saves the starting Inspector values, and keeps what it displays close, using +/-360. It thinks you will like that.
Suppose you start a rotation at (0,0,0) – those are the values entered into the
Inspector. While the program runs, the Inspector adjusts everything to between
-180 and 180. If a value goes to 181, which is fine inside the program, the
Inspector shows it as -179. If you started the x rotation at 90, the range for x
would be -90 and 270. When your program sees 271, the Inspector shows
It seems like a huge problem, but hand-checking Euler angles is already such a mess that this doesn’t make it much worse. And if you keep your own xyz rotation variable, it will be fine.
We use quaternions because Euler angles have problems. But what are these
problems? As we’ve seen, Euler angles are pretty good for setting a facing. So far
that’s all we’ve done, so they seem fine. It turns out that Euler’s are terrible at
moving between angles.
Basically y&x based rotation movement always works like an army tank aiming its gun. When targets are near the ground, we can track them pretty well. We rotate the turret with y, x is and up/down for hills and valleys. Anything higher up will give us more trouble. It takes less motion for the same degrees on y, making it easer to outrun our turning.
Suppose a flying saucer zooms up directly overhead and we angle x up to 90, tracking it. It can go a little sideways and be safe. Even though the tip of our cannon only has to move a tiny bit sideways, we’ll need to spin our turret a full 90 degrees to be able to tilt left.
If you’re making that game, you should use Euler Angles for rotation. Use the
trick where you keep them in your own Vector3. It will give the weird gear-based gun
rotation you want.
The problem happens because most things aren’t army tank guns, and look terrible when the work that way. Usually we’re looking at the red cow and want to smoothly turn to face the blue one. We don’t want the camera to have a little extra curve, or sometimes go really slow with an extra tight funny little spin.
Unlike a 2-gear Euler system, quaternions don’t have any good or bad spots. They don’t have any problem areas like when a cannon aims mostly up or down. Going from any spin to any other, quaternions always gives a nice straight angle, at the same speed
If you’ve seen the term Gimbal Lock (the Flying Saucer example has it), quaternions don’t have that.
Our commands all compute a quaternion, like:
q1 = Quaternion.LookRotation(v);. They have alternate versions where a
quaternion sets itself. I’ve never used them, and they don’t do anything new, but
seeing the alternate form is a fun review.
Here’s the old and new version of LookRotation:
The second one computes the rotation and puts it directly into q. It seems more efficient, but you can’t use it in a formula. Not having to write q= isn’t that much of an advantage.
You could write transform.rotation.SetLookRotation(toGreen); since your
rotation is a quaternion. But no one ever does. transform.LookAt(greenCube); is a
better shortcut.
Recall AngleAxis spins you around any line. Spinning around Vector3.forward rolls you sideways. Both of these tip you 5 degrees left:
If our cow has a unicorn horn sticking up at 45 degrees, these will aim it at the green cube:
The strangest one is the shortcut for setting xyz Euler Angles. It doesn’t fit the pattern. It looks like an assignment statement, but it’s a disguised function call:
Again, quaternions don’t actually save the Euler angles. The second command is
just running the first one.
There are also 3 shortcuts for FromToRotation – aiming a different part of you somewhere:
These are more tricks with disguised functions. They actually call FromToRotation to do the work.
We can use the backwards arrow trick to assign to the other 3:
transform.up = -toRedCube; points your feet at the red cube, by pointing your
head in the exact opposite direction.