Monster of the Week

Every episode our heroes meet vampires, mummies, cultists, demons, fishmen, cyborg-zombies ... . There may be a continuing plot, but new monsters feature prominantly

1974 Kolchak the Night Stalker A newspaper reporter encounters supernatural stuff He rarely beats or even fights the monster. He just investigates the story
1987-1990 Friday the 13th Recover a new "cursed" item each episode Items have often turned the new owner evil, with unique powers. Completely unrelated to the movie.
1991 Eerie, Indiana Kids deal with wierd (even eerie) stuff in their town
1993-2002 X-Files Agent obsessed with UFO's takes on the FBI X (wierd stuff) files Alien abductions were big back then. Original credits very similar to old "In Search of...".
1996-1999 Poltergeist:The legacy A secret team fights occult stuff Completely unrelated to the movie. One cell of a worldwide secret society
1997-2003 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ensemble high-school cast with teenage super-powered "slayer" and mentor Josh Whedon directs
1998-2006 Charmed Three young women date, find jobs and battle evil with the Power of Three Mostly fight demons, with unique demon powers who can turn into hot guys. Mentored by a cute guy
1998 Brimstone Formerly-dead detective must return diverse demons to hell
1999-2004 Angel Buffy spin-off, vampire detective takes supernatural cases Also featured the evil law firm Wolfram&Hart. Flashbacks to Angel's past life (like Highlander)
2005-2020 Supernatural Two cute brothers wander, killing evil while effortlessly impersonating FBI agents A big demon heirachy like Charmed with selfish angels from Xena. Apparently they kept introducing love interests but the fans were all "nope -- kill her off".
2008-2012 Fringe More FBI agents investigating weird-science cases Eventually gains evil alterate reality through-plot with doubles of agents. JJ Abrams (LOST, StarWars) produces
2011-2017 Grimm A Grimm is like a male Slayer. Werebeasts hide among humans, being evil Many of the Wessen are helpful (including Silas Weir Mitchell); two worldwide secret werebeast organizations fight?
2013-2017 Sleepy Hollow Black female detective teams up with Ichabod Crane to fight the 4 horsemen attacking sleepy Hollow John Noble is back! (the crazy dad from Fringe)
2017-2018 Midnight, Texas Town for supernatural monsters has a crisis each week Based on the Charlaine Harris book